MP Tiger Foundation Samiti envisions a world where human development is integrated with conservation of nature and all the processes that nurture life on earth. A world where human beings respect the rights of other creatures to exist and flourish in their natural habitat and where conflicts between people and wild animals are effectively mitigated and amicably resolved.
MP Tiger Foundation Samiti's mission is to garner effective public support through campaigning and educating as well as mobilizing communities near wildlife areas, citizens of our country and motivate them to join hands for conservation and management of wildlife, wildlife habitats and to fight against wildlife crime.
We are a
Non-Profit Organization
committed to
protect wildlife
We continuously work for protection as well as improvement of habitat and its wildlife.
Awareness Creation
We organize various events throughout the year to create awareness among general public towards conservation.
Training and Research
We conduct various training and research camps to achieve conservation goals.
Animal Human Conflict
We take various steps to reduce the Man Animal Conflict at various levels.
Why Save Tigers?
The presence of tiger symbolizes a healthy ecosystem as it is an umbrella species. Tiger is symbol of wilderness and well-being of the ecosystem .......
Your donation will help us save and conserve wildlife by strengthening institute, community development and awareness training. Help us through either of our below campaigns: